Islamism and Dakwah in Indonesia

Islamism and Dakwah in Indonesia

PENERBIT IRFANI - Islamism and Dakwah in Indonesia

Book Identity

Judul: Islamism and Dakwah in Indonesia; Lived Experiences of the Tarbiyah Movement
Penulis: Ai Fatimah Nur Fuad
Editor: Muhammad Hilali Basya
Penata Letak: Ahmad Soleh
Desain Sampul: AS Fajrul
Cetakan I: Februari 2024
Tebal: v + 236 halaman
Ukuran: 15 x 23 cm


I would like to acknowledge my indebtedness to the great individuals and institutions that have been very helpful and valuable to me during my writing up stage. I would also to thank to the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA (UHAMKA) Jakarta – particularly to the Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Gunawan Suryoputro, M. Hum and all Vice Rectors for their support. I must express my gratitude to all the members of my large family and relations. Massive thanks go to my husband, Muhammad Hilali Basya, for his consistent encouragement and to my sons, Rafyal Fikri Fasya and Kafyal Rusydi Fasya, who bring bundles of lesson and joy into my life. My deepest gratitude and love goes to my late mother and my late father, Hj. Titin and Drs. Nana Sutisna, who passed away during my completion of this book. For their endless love, prayers and motivation, I dedicate this work to my parents.

This book explores the dakwah (Islamic preaching and mission) of contemporary Islamist movements with a case study of the Indonesian Tarbiyah movement. It particularly elaborates about the lived experiences of female trainees in the Liqo of the Tarbiyah movement. This book highlights that the lived experiences of female trainees in the Liqo suggest that there is a space where Tarbiyah movement, PKS norms, lifestyles and dispositions are more or less successfully taught, learned and reproduced principally through the disciplined and repeated performances of embodied piety.


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